Our tracking system is updated in real-time, so you can rest assured that you are getting the most up-to-date information on your parcel’s progress. We also offer notifications via email or SMS, so you can receive updates on your parcel’s status right to your phone.
Communication is paramount not only to Qinghe
but to Customs Brokerage and logistics as a whole.
Qinghe prides itself on the ability to act quickly & efficiently while maintaining compliance.
Traditional brokerage models are antiquated – It can take days just to activate an account.
Qinghe prides itself on pioneering the online customs clearance industry.
Global reach, over 1200 couriers forming a seamless network for worldwide deliveries.
Efficiency amplified through automation, reducing human intervention for accuracy.
Stay informed with instant updates, tracking your shipment’s progress as it happens.
Essential information directly to your inbox, ensuring you’re always in the loop.
Feeling inquisitive? Have a read through some of our FAQs or contact our supporters for help.